Fun Book Club Discussion Questions for The False Prince:
This is such a clever,
entertaining children’s book, a quick read, and perfect for readers of all ages
and interests. The medieval theme was fun for a book club as well. Thanks to for showing me how fun it would be to host this book.
I’m not going to ask who your
favorite character was or what your favorite part of the book is, because if
you read the book we should all have pretty much have the same answers, Sage is
our favorite character and we’ll be afraid to discuss our favorite part because
its at the end and there is always someone who hasn’t quite finished the
So, these survey questions
helped us discuss the book, we talked about how they applied to the book and then how they applied to us. They were fun and didn't really have a lot of spoilers in them, which was good because a few people weren't quite done with the book. I did wish I had a crown to give away to the awesome girl who qualified to be our False
Prince(ss). She had 9 ½
“yes” answers on this survey. I had
everyone fill out the survey when they arrived and then we discussed the
questions. We loved hearing about the
plays people have been in, their sneaking out at night escapades, their quirky
talents, sibling rivalries, and some sweet moments where people turned a new
page in their lives. This list is just a starter, the character of Sage had so much personality and it was fun getting to know him as we read this book.
Are You The False Prince?
Are you
experienced in theater (have you been in a play)?
Can you speak
with an accent? (a second language counts!)
Was your father
Did your mother
ever work in a restaurant? (Sage's mother was a barmaid when she met his father)
Have you ever
changed your hair color or had a dramatically different hairstyle from what you
have now?
Do you have any
special quirky talents such as rolling a coin, wiggling your ears, or a farmer
Did you pay for
your own stuff as a teenager or did you parents usually pay?
Are you the odd
one out in the family?
Have you ever
reinvented yourself, (major turning points where you decided to be different or
start over)?
Do you have an
older brother/sister that was hard to live up to?
Did you have
good “sneaking out” skills as a youth?
Are you a rock
climber (or wall-climber)?
Do you have a sarcastic
sense of humor?
Food (Presumably From the Castle Kitchens!)
Fruit tray with grapes and
Cheese tray
Crusty Bread with herbs and
oil for dipping
Yummy pastries
Rolos (The King's Gold)
Water with lemon
The crown on a red velvet