The color bands represent the ranks: bobcat, wolf, bear, webelos, and arrow of light.
I purchased the feathers and arrowheads online, the dowels at Hobby Lobby and the rest of the supplies I had on hand at my house. I believe the jute was originally purchased at Walmart.
I cut the dowel in half with a saw and then notched the ends for the arrowhead with the pocked knife. I glued the jute and the arrowheads on with wood glue. I cut the duck feathers in half with the exacto knife to make fletchings and glued them on with hot glue. I added more jute to the end of the arrow. I painted the colorbands on paper and then mode podged them on, the advantage of paper is that I could have used marker instead of paint and I can get the lines straighter. You could just thin out white glue if you don't have modge podge to accomplish about the same effect. The fletchings were the hard part since they aren't straight and don't want to be glued into a straight line, maybe I needed two people for that part. Oh well, they look nice now they are all done.
Yellow Lanyards to wear to pack night and to easily display belt loops!= $1.25
I love these soooo much. The boys love adding a new pin or loop to their lanyard each month and lots of the moms put their mother's pins on the lanyards as well.

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