Ideas for combining Tigers and Wolves
Year 1
June or August
Wild Things
My Tiger Jungle (aka Backyard Jungle)
Call of the Wild
Legends and Tall Tales
Tiger Tales
Howling at the Moon
Game Makers
Games Tigers Play
Code of the Wolf
Team and Country
Team Tiger
Council Fire
Duty to God
Tiger Circles
Food and Science
Tiger Bites
Germs Alive
Art and Money
Stories in Shapes
Adventures in Coins
Challenge Games
Cubs Who Care
Active Games
Tiger Tag
Running with the Pack
Tigers in the Wild
Paws on the Path
Rolling Tigers
Grow Something
Year 2
Wild Things
My Tiger Jungle
Call of the Wild
Tiger Theater
Howling at the Moon
Dinosaur Fun
Games Tigers Play
Digging in the Past
Team and Country
Team TIger
Council Fire
Duty to God
Tiger Circles
Duty to God Footsteps
Magic and Codes
Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries
Code of the Wolf
All About Me
Family Stories
Collections and Hobbies
Food and Games
Tiger Bites
Running with the Pack start
Tiger Tag
Paws of Skill
Tigers in the Wild
Paws on the Path
Day Camp
depends on camp, perhaps Finding Your Way
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Water Activity
Boats and Floats
Air of the Wolf? Shooting Sports Pin?
August: Wild Animals (Wolf-Call of the Wild, Bear-Fur, Feathers, Ferns)
Meeting 1 Go on a Nature Walk
(Introduce Bobcat requirements #1, #2,#5)
Call of the Wild #1 #3, #6
MTJ #1, #2
*duck ponds are nice because the ducks aren’t scared away by noisy cub scouts and you can see them any time of the day, a mile is a short hike and can be achieved by hiking around the pond several times or on a nearby trail. Often fish can be seen in the pond as well
REQUIREMENT 3A, 3B, 3C Recite the Outdoor Code and the Leave No Trace Principles for Kids
with your leader. After the activity list the ways you demonstrated being careful (with fire if there was fire) or other dangers on the activity. (this requirement is also fulfilled in Meeting #3)
REQUIREMENT 6. While on a den or family outing, identify four different types of animals you see or explain evidence of their presence. Tell how you identified them. (this requirement is also fulfilled in Meeting #3, if boys are out of town for this activity)
Meeting 23 tips on being prepared and learn about birds
Call of the Wild #2, #4A, #4B
Bobcat Requirements #3,#4, #6
MTJ #3
2. With your family or den, make a list of possible weather changes that could happen during your outing according to the time of year you are outside. Tell how you will be prepared for each one. (don’t over do this, rain or shine boys need to know how to dress, it should take about 1 minute to discuss this preparedness tip)
4. Show or demonstrate what to do:
4A. In case of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood. (this preparedness tip could be a review of the safest places to stand in an earthquake, also about 1 minute)
4A. In case of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood. (this preparedness tip could be a review of the safest places to stand in an earthquake, also about 1 minute)
4B how to prevent spreading germs (this final preparedness tip could be discussing proper hand washing in about 1 minute)
Meeting 3Birdhouses or Planting Activity
Call of the Wild #5 (optional)
MTJ #3, #4, or #5
*I suggest using two colors of rope like in the wolf handbook
September Legends and Tall Tales
Howling at the Moon #3
#3, #5
Meeting 5Createa Tall Tale Skit
Howling at the Moon #1, #2
Meeting 6Tall Tale Art
Finish working on skit
October, Game Makers
Meeting 7Make Up a Numbers Game
Meeting 8Make a Code Game and a Graph
#3, #4
Meeting 9 G Team Building Games & Healthy Snacks
#1, #2
FAITH IN GOD DEVOLOPING TALENTS #4 Make an item from wood, metal, fabric, or other material…Display your finished work for others to see.
November Council Fire
Meeting 10Flag Activity
Council Fire #1, #6
#1, #2
Meeting 11 Community Service Activity
Council Fire #2
REQUIREMENT 2. Participate in a community service project with your pack, den, or family.
4A. Do a cleanup project that benefits your community.
Meeting 12Gratitude Activity (LDS religious emblem, Lesson #1 for protestant religious emblem)
#3 ((optional), or #7(optional)
Either write thank you letters to servicemen or veterans for Council Fire #7 go to a school veteran’s day assembly (call the school to see if they are having an assembly if they are discuss it in den meeting, try to attend if possible), go to a veterans day parade or memorial, or have a veteran visit for Council Fire #3 (or skip #3/#7 and do #6 instead during the “Flag Activity” den meeting.)
Option A REQUIREMENT 3. With your parent or guardian’s permission, talk to a military veteran, law enforcement officer, member of the fire department, or someone else approved by your Den Leader. Talk about his or her service to the community or country. After you have visited with the individual, write a short thank-you note.
Option B REQUIREMENT 7. Participate in an event such as a parade or assembly celebrating military veterans.
Faith in God Serving Others #2 Write a letter to a teacher, your parents, or your grand-parents telling them what you appreciate and respect about them.
Crayon Resist Thank You Cards from
December: Duty to God Footsteps
Meeting 13
Duty to God Footsteps #1, #3, #5(or #4) Bobcat Requirements #1, #2, #5, #7
Fellowship and Duty to God #1, #2 homework #2
Faith in God Learning and Living the Gospel #2 Give a family home evening lesson on Joseph Smith’s First Vision (see Joseph Smith—History 1:1–20). Discuss how Heavenly Father answers our sincere prayers.
REQUIREMENT 2 Find out about 2 famous Americans. Share what you learned.
For this requirement you will learn about two famous Americans and how their lives blessed our country. If doing the LDS religious knot, you can talk about how Joseph Smith blessed our country by exercising his religious freedom to pray. Some other ideas are Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Rosa Parks, and Ronald Reagan.
Activity: Prepare the boys to go home and teach their family about Joseph Smith and sincere prayer. Encourage them to teach the lesson the same day as the den meeting! Teach about some other famous Americans and let the boys share their favorite ones and what they learned that they liked.
Homework: Teach an FHE lesson to your family about Joseph Smith’s first vision and how Heavenly Father answer’s sincere prayers.
Meeting 14Duty to God and Prayer Activity(LDS emblem, or class for protestant emblem) (you can do this activity in August, September, or October if den meeting falls on a fifth week. That way you don’t have both the prayer activities two weeks in a row)
Duty to God Footsteps #1, #3, #5(or #4)
#4 or #5
Wolf Adventure: Duty to God Footsteps
Complete Requirement 1 or 2 plus at least two others.
REQUIREMENT 1. Discuss with your parent, guardian, den leader, or other caring adult what it means to do your duty to God. Tell how you do your duty to God in your daily life. (we talked about trying to be like Jesus)
REQUIREENT 3. Offer a prayer, meditation, or reflection with your family, den, or pack. (we start every den meeting with a prayer, we discussed how prayer helps us and helps us stay close to Heavenly Father and the savior)
REQUIREMENT 5. Learn and sing a song that could be sung in reverence before or after meals or one that gives encouragement, reminds you how to show reverence, or demonstrates your duty to God. (we learned Jesus said love everyone)
Meeting 15Christmas Activity
January Germs Alive and Tiger Bites
Meeting 16Good Food Choices
#1, #6
Meeting 17 Germs and Handwashing
#1, #2, #3
Meeting 18 What you can eat with your fingers (not boogers!)
#4, #5
Prepare the Mold Experiment
Learn handwashing song
Germ demonstration
Sneeze demonstration
We put items in ziplocs with a bit of water sprayed on them for the mold experiment. I would also write on the bags “MOLD GROWING EXPERIMENT. TAKE A PHOTO IN 3 WEEKS. THROW AWAY WITHOUT OPENING.”
Note: cheddar cheese can take 5 weeks to mold, so try monterey jack, mozzarella, cottage cheese or feta for quicker results. Also, store-bought bread has a lot of preservatives and won't mold too quickly in the winter, if you have homemade bread or cornbread or even pancakes, those will mold A LOT more quickly for the boys to observe. (Just have pancakes for breakfast or lunch the day of the activity.
Note: cheddar cheese can take 5 weeks to mold, so try monterey jack, mozzarella, cottage cheese or feta for quicker results. Also, store-bought bread has a lot of preservatives and won't mold too quickly in the winter, if you have homemade bread or cornbread or even pancakes, those will mold A LOT more quickly for the boys to observe. (Just have pancakes for breakfast or lunch the day of the activity.
Mold, 3 weeks later, nothing on the bread or cheese,
so avoid cheddar and store bought bread. |
List 5 ways to help parents keep house/room clean, make a job chart (Faith in God activity: helping parents)
Make a clean room chart and do your chores for at least one week
Make slime and do mucus demonstration
Activity:write the recipe down on strips of paper and have the boys pick one or two so they each have a job to do.
Mucous Recipe
1. combine 1/2 tsp borax and 1/4 cup warm water
2. pour a small 4oz bottle of glue in a separate bowl
3. fill empty glue bottle with warm water, put the lid back on, shake it, pour it in with the glue
4. stir the glue and water 10 times (have someone else stir more if needed)
5. leader: add a few squirts of bright green food coloring
6. pour the borax into the glue and stir ten times (if you can!)
7. leader: pour the almost slime into a freezer ziploc
8. squeeze the ziploc 10 times each until it really is slime.
9. put slime on a plate and do the mucous demonstration with glitter.
10. divide the slime into baggies to take home.
1. combine 1/2 tsp borax and 1/4 cup warm water
2. pour a small 4oz bottle of glue in a separate bowl
3. fill empty glue bottle with warm water, put the lid back on, shake it, pour it in with the glue
4. stir the glue and water 10 times (have someone else stir more if needed)
5. leader: add a few squirts of bright green food coloring
6. pour the borax into the glue and stir ten times (if you can!)
7. leader: pour the almost slime into a freezer ziploc
8. squeeze the ziploc 10 times each until it really is slime.
9. put slime on a plate and do the mucous demonstration with glitter.
10. divide the slime into baggies to take home.
Meeting 19 Observing: Coins and tangram shapes
#1, #2, #4
Meeting 20 2D: Coin Rubbing Art on Paper, Poster Board, or Canvas
#2, #3
Meeting 21Shape Art and Coin Game
Meeting 22Tricky Games
Cubs Who Care #4, #6
(complete any four requirements to earn this badge)
Howling at the Moon #1
#1, #2
REQUIREMENT 4 With your den, try doing three of the following things while wearing puffy gloves or mittens:
Tying your shoes
Using a fork to pick up food
Playing a card game
Playing a video game
Playing checkers or another board game
Blowing bubbles
REQUIREMENT 6 Use American Sign Language to communicate either a simple sentence or at least four points of the Scout Law.
REQUIREMENT 1 Show you can communicate in at least 2 ways
REFLECTION:Discuss how peers who are differently-abled are the same in most ways except one and how one of the “My Gospel Standards” in Faith in God is “I will seek good friends and treat others kindly.”
Meeting 23Sensory Stations
Cubs Who Care #3, #7 (choose one or both)
Howling at the Moon # 2
REQUIREMENT 7 Learn about someone famous who has or had a disability, and share that person’s story with your den or family.
REQUIREMENT 3 Learn about “invisible” disabilities. Take part in an activity that develops an understanding of invisible disabilities.
Meeting 24Blindfold Art & Wheelchair/Crutches Activity
Cubs Who Care #1, #2, #5 (choose at least one)
#5 or #6
REQUIREMENTWith other members of your den, try using a wheelchair or crutches, and reflect on the process.
REQUIREMENTLearn about a sport that has been adapted so that people in wheelchairs or with some other physical disability can play, and tell your den about it.
REQUIREMENTPaint a picture two different ways: Paint it once the way you usually would paint it and then again by using a blindfold. Discuss with your den the ways the process was different.
Running with the Pack #2, #3, #5
#1, #3
REQUIREMENT 2. Practice balancing as you walk forward, backward, and sideways.
REQUIREMENT 3. Practice flexibility and balance by doing a front roll, a back roll, and a frog stand.
REQUIREMENT 5. Do at least two of the following: frog leap, inchworm walk, kangaroo hop, or crab walk.
Meeting 26Sports Activity
Running with the Pack #1, #4
REQUIREMENT 1. Play catch with someone in your den or family who is standing 5 steps away from you. Play until you can throw and catch successfully at this distance. Take a step back and see if you can improve your throwing and catching skills.
Running with the Pack #6
REQUIREMENT 6. Demonstrate what it means to eat a balanced diet by helping to plan a healthy menu for a meal for your den or family. Make a shopping list of the food used to prepare the meal.
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Paws on the Path #1, #2, #3
Gathering: For this activity have a first kit disassembled when the boys arrive with a few random non-first aid objects thrown in, let them guess what actually belongs in the first aid kit also have a tray with the cub scout 6 essentials and some random stuff let them guess what is essential to take on a hike (15 min).
Opening: Prayer, Flag, Oath, and Law (5 min)
Activity #1 (5 min) Give answers to first aid kit and 6 essentials. Announce that you are going to be going on a hike next den meeting and that a first aid kit is one of the cub scout six essentials as well as water, sun protection, food, and a whistle to blow if they get lost. Tell them, to avoid getting lost they should have a buddy that they stay with at all times on the hike. If they were to get lost they would want to stop, stay calm, think of where they could wait to be easily seen, listen for the group, and make sure they stay dry and warm. Tell them the appropriate clothing to wear next week for the hike based on weather that might occur (heat, rain, wind, cold), remind them to avoid flip flops and open toed shoes as well as the advantage of dressing in layers, wearing a jacket, or whatever clothing tips will apply for your hike. Have a list of what to bring on the hike next week for each boy and what the leaders will be bringing. Have them put their name on it and make sure they take it home with them. (e-mail a copy to parents just to be safe). This is a lot of information, so you’ll have to limit discussion and plow through it quickly! Having the info on a packing list for next week will help cover bases if you don’t get to spend a lot of time.
Activity #2 (15 min) Set up a tent, discuss tips on how to choose a good spot for a tent
Activity #3 (15 min) Have a treasure hunt or egg hunt to find word strips or pictures of six natural disasters that could occur and one thing you could do to stay safe in the event of each one (this is 12 items to find). Either hide a snack with each one, the entire snack at the end, or give snacks to the boys for matching the disasters correctly to the safety tip.
1. Show you are prepared to hike safely in any outdoor setting by putting together the Cub Scout Six Essentials to take along on your hike.
2. Tell what the buddy system is and why we always use it in Cub Scouting. Describe what you should do if you get separated from your group while hiking.
3. Choose the appropriate clothing to wear on your hike based on the expected weather.
Paws on the Path #4, #5
#2, #3, (#4, #6, #7 choose one of these)
REQUIREMENT 4. Before hiking, recite the Outdoor Code and the Leave No Trace Principles for Kids
with your leader.
REQUIREMENT 5. Go on a 1-mile hike with your den or family. Find two interesting things that you’ve
never seen before and discuss with your den or family.
Meeting 31
Day Camp
Day Camp
Sometimes day camp starts adventures such as Wolf Finding Your Way, you could finish this at a den meeting right after day camp.
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