With our temple groundbreaking only days away...

They announce another temple even closer to home. What a deeply thrilling prospect that is. When J was two he used to always ask to go into the tabernacle for a tour and I told him we would go inside some day. (It always surprised me that he was so interested in the building at age 2). When it burned down I was reminded I had never kept my promise. I truly look forward to taking him there now when the restoration is complete and it is ready to function as a holy temple. (photo from Daily Herald)

A walk down mainstreet in August

Look mom! Glasses!

Her birthday was on the book release date for book 8 in Sisters Eight her favorite series, she has read the books ragged!

I'm helping teach violin for 4-H at the school this semester, D can't wait to learn to play himself. Violins everywhere, so much fun.