D's glasses are to treat strabismus its not a strong prescription, but the theory is that his eyes have been over-focusing. Sometimes his left eye is turned inward and sometimes his right is turned inward like in the pictures below. Strabismus can be treated surgically, or with eye patches as well. There is no real proof about what works, its usually a lifetime thing that you keep working at. Our neighbor across the street has strabismus and has been helpful to talk to. We'll try glasses for a few months and if there isn't any improvement, the next option is usually surgery.
They determine the prescription for babies with a little machine that looks in the eye and uses light and shadows and geometry. Pretty amazing.

Now I know; thanks! Interesting!
Hello Regina! I am Cherryl from the PHilippines. My daugther ( 19-month old) was diagnosed with alternating congenital esotropia when she was about 5 mos. old. February of this year, she had her strabismus surgery. It is unfortunate that the alignment was short-lived. Two months post surgery, her eyes started to alternate again. She is to wear her glasses ( bifocals) and patch (for atleast 30 minutes a day) but it is really a struggle to let her do either of these. I hope you won't mind me asking, how is your baby? Thanks.
I opted against a ped. opthamalogist and surgery, and have been seeing a ped optometrist that specializes in vision therapy for a year and a half instead. My son's eyes are continually getting stronger with the support he is getting. Based on this year, the doctor says the improvement will continue and eventually the eye won't turn at all anymore. I'm very happy with our treatment choice!
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