We bombed battleships, crossed the hot lava to Yoda's Cave, had a pod race, had blaster gun practice, and had an asteroid hunt, then we made our way to Jabba's Restaurant.
Jabba' Restaurant

Menu: Padawan Pizza, Ashoka Sherbet Cups, Vader Chips, Yoda Soda, and R2-D2 cake.
We made our own rainbow sherbet cups (birthday boy's favorite) out of applesauce cups, I love not having to dish ice cream to impatient 4-6 year old kids. The yoda sodas were also a lot easier than pouring drinks. We made our own mini pizzas and froze them ahead of time. The trick with freezing pizza is to put the cheese and toppings on first and the pizza sauce last. That way when you cook them there is no soggy crust problem. Most homemade freezer pizza will cook in 20 minutes at 400. This was perfect for our padawan pizzas, YUM!

It wasn't until we looked at this picture that we figured out why the candles mysteriously went out before we finished singing happy birthday.

A favorite game was the Jedi hot lava challenge. They had to build a bridge from the sidewalk all the way to a playhouse (Yoda's Cave) in the back yard without touching the grass. I blew a whistle if they touched the grass and they had to go back to the sidewalk. Not too many kids fell in!

R2D2 Cake. I made a chocolate cake from scratch (denser and less crumbly than a cake mix and therefore could be carved into the right shape). Then I just freehanded the general R2D2 look. Making the cake was a party all its own the night before.