Our New Years checkers game doubled as AP's snack tray...

We snacked, played games, danced to Auld Lang Syne, snapped improptu mugshots of everyone, and interviewed each other about our year.
excerpts from the interviews...
most listened to music Weezer and Cake,
favorite places he went “They Might Be Giants” concert, USA vs El Slavador World Cup Qualifier.
Enjoyed doing reservoir surveys for work.
most listened to music Tabernacle Choir and Thompson’s Lament (Celtic).
favorite thing to eat green smoothies and brownies,
I enjoyed when D was born, enjoyed seeing all my cousins at Thanksgiving, the Young Ambassadors show, and shopping at Sunflower Market.
Favorite book “A Wedding For Wiglaf” from the Series Dragon Slayers Academy,
favorite toy, art kits,
favorite school subjects singing and art.
Favorite foods craisin/cheese/spinach salad and turkey noodle soup.
Most listened to music ABBA.
Favorite books The Complete Star Wars Ships cross-sections, and Star Wars Lego Visual Dictionary.
Most listened to music, Star Wars-the imperial march,
favorite food pizza and apples,
favorite place he went-Festival of Trees.
AP-Favorite toys baby doll, “Barney” doll, and leopard puppet,
favorite place she went was grandma’s house,
favorite movies Barney’s adventure bus and Wall-E.
little D-Glad to be born, 4 teeth, 21.4 lbs, especially enjoyed playing with jingle bells,
favorite thing to eat-mostly just interested in the tablecloth.