
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Webelos Adventures In Science

This badge looks so much fun!  
"An experiment is a “fair test” to compare possible explanations. Draw a picture of a fair test that shows what you need to do to test a fertilizer’s effects on plant growth."

"Visit a museum, a college, a laboratory, an observatory, a zoo, an aquarium, or other facility that employs scientists. Prepare three questions ahead of time, and talk to a scientist about his or her work." 
This was a great activity the girl scouts did for their Night Owl Badge!

"Build a model solar system. Chart the distances between the planets so that the model is to scale. Use what you learn from this requirement to explain the value of making a model in science."

I thought even if the distances are to scale, the planets could still be cookies!  Look close--these cookies are Earth and Jupiter.  In this pictures we are getting ready for 4-H clover bud camp where the participants are going to learn about space!

"With adult assistance, explore safe chemical reactions with household materials. Using two substances, observe what happens when the amounts of the reactants are increased."
I did this with 3 year olds and at a pack night, tons of fun!  We tried this scented rainbow science and sensory play, although I would just do one or two colors for the webelos.

Explore properties of motion on a playground. How does the weight of a person affect how fast they slide down a slide or how fast a swing moves? Design a fair test to answer one of those questions. 

Study the night sky.  Sketch the appearance of the North Star (Polaris) and the Big Dipper (part of the Ursa Major constellation) over at least six hours. Describe what you observed, and explain the meaning of your observations. 

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