
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lip Gloss Making Activity

I was teaching a lesson on uplifting thoughts for the activity day girls in our ward. We talked about having uplifting thoughts and how music can help us clean out bad thoughts. Then we made lip gloss. I wrote a little poem to tie it all together. It is based on Elder Packer's talk "worthy music, worthy thoughts" (,17631,8045-1,00.html)

This is what the finished project looked like, I had some old pots in my craft cupboard that I recycled for this project it turned out really cute.

We used this recipe:
1 tbs petroleum jelly (melted)
4 drops stevia (or 1 tsp honey melted)
a few drops of koolaid (1 packet dissolved in 1/4 tsp water)
1/4 tsp mint extract (optional)

Lip Gloss Poem
The lip gloss I have made today
Reminds me I should smile,
And make the thoughts inside
My head uplifting and

For ev’ry minute that I live
My mind is like a play.
With thoughts of either good
Or bad always on display.

Now sometimes in the theater
That is running in my mind
Little dark and impish thoughts
Come sneaking from behind.
And then it is my duty,
So the Spirit can abide,
To find a way to clean them out
And shape things up inside.

The prophets have advised us
On a way this can be done,
They’ve said when thoughts
Aren’t what we want…
The best thing is to hum!

So once again I grab my gloss
And rub some on my lips
And hum my very favorite hymn,
It always does the trick!


  1. Looks like you were stretching your birthday...:) You switched to the vaseline recipe... How were you able to get all the girls involved in the preparation of the lip gloss or did you just let them watch? The poem is so appropriate, do you mind if I use it too? Thanks for all the great costume pics. I love little H's hair...

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  4. We went with vaseline instead of shortening because the finished product was soooo much nicer. You can even get vaseline with aloe, vitamin E, or cocoa butter in it already, which is a nice touch. The girls wanted to know all the cosmetic benefits of the additions, I wish I had known.

    What worked best was to do an assembly line with the leaders doing everything that was hot. Give each girl one or two jobs in the process and encourage them to watch the other steps. Then at the end they all get to take home one or two glosses.

    This was how we did it...
    1-have one or two girls measure out the vaseline and put it in the top of a double boiler
    2-have a leader start melting the vaseline
    3-I used stevia because I have it, but if you're doing honey instead of stevia, have someone measure this and melt it in the microwave.
    4-have someone set out a bowl for each flavor of gloss you're making and put the koolaid powder in
    5-have a girl put 1/4 tsp of water in each bowl and dissolve it. A different girl can do each flavor. We did three. The pink and invisible were much more popular than the reds. The girls want to wear pink, not movie star red.
    3-have the girls open up the koolaid. Most of the koolaid colors were too dark. you can google koolaid color chart online for ideas.
    4-divide the melted petroluem jelly between all the bowls. (you might want to line the bowls with foil so you don't have to clean them at the end. It didn't matter in the end, they were all good)
    5-have a leader put in the stevia or melted honey.
    6-demonstrate the suggested amount and then have the girls add little globs of koolaid to the bowls and stir until they get a nice color.
    7-we added mint to some of the gloss just to give it a tingly feeling on the lips.
    8-use a knife to scoop gloss into a container. I had souffle cups and little paint pots. The girls didn't like the scooping part because it was messy, so the leaders got that job while the girs individualized their containers with stickers. They would have had an easier time using the souffle cups since they were bigger than the paint pots, but the souffle cups are so much bigger than a tablespoon of gloss that they look almost empty, so its hard to say what is best.

    Bring a mirror so they can see to put it on.

  5. my comment posted 3 times, so I deleted the first two...

  6. Thanks for the extra tips, it sounds so fun!
