
Monday, June 28, 2010

LEGO art

Every year our city does an arts festival for kids 3-18 yrs old. It lasts two weeks and kids can be in a musical, show choir, dance class, creative writing, arts and crafts, photography, or even a LEGO art class.

The LEGO teacher was having a baby this year and since they didn't want to cancel it, I got to teach it!

I have nearly 1000 pictures and in LEGO everything is good, but I have to put up a few to share.

A project by AJ on the "Things that Fly" day, she had named her bird Tucie.

When I was planning the class J said, "mommy, the class should have rubber bands" boy was he right. I had quite a few projects over the two weeks feature rubber bands.

a mosaic planned with LEGO brick artist paper

"things with wheels"

"hole punch and card", a huge thanks to the author of filth wizardry blog for helping me out on this one. She pioneered hole punch and card and she was kind enough to write a note I could share in class that encouraged the kids to make one of a kind projects which they really took to heart and kept referring to throughout the rest of the festival.

a most creative interpretation of "things that fly".

a marble maze, these were a huge hit...

**********more pics**********


  1. Golden Snitch?! Brilliant! I'm hoping these ideas stay in my mind for when my 1-year-old is old enough!

  2. I love the creativity of the projects that the kids created and your ideas are great! I am hoping to start a Lego club for my boys this year and was wondering how you organized the Lego's? Did each kid have their own set and if so did each set have the same bricks? Thanks for the help so glad I found the link to this blog from a link to another blog which was linked from still another blog. Isn't cyberspace amazing!

  3. Heather each kid purchased a green baseplate, and LEGO set 6177, also they all stored their LEGOs in Sterilite 6-qt shoeboxes (the kind frequently found at all a dollar).
