
Sunday, May 16, 2010

weekly highlights

I write down highlights for everyone each week in family home evening, I thought I'd share.

AJ: I have lots of highlights this week. I went to a Museum of Natural History travelling exhibit. We got our own rock collections...fools gold and volcano rock and a clear one and a green one. I made a fossil called a trilobite. Everything about the exhibit was cool. Also my class went to the farm and I got to feed a baby goat. It bit me, but it didn't hurt and that was my favorite part of the fieldtrip. We also got to go to a very cool playground. This week we had teddy bear picnic day and pirate day. I memorized a poem this week the first time my teacher told it to us. I think I should memorize lots of poems.

J: I went to the Natural History exhibit too. They put special lights on the rocks and some glowed. The white part of my coat glowed the most, it was cool. My friend Sam had a birthday party with pizza like at my birthday party, but it wasn't padawan pizza. He liked my present best, I gave him a little robot toy (J always says that). My class went to the zoo. The first thing we saw was a turkey, we got to ride the train, and I even saw a giraffe poop!

Dad: I went to Logan on a Gosner's cheese run with my dad! I amended the dead soil in our flowerbed and we planted flowers. They look really nice--red, yellow, orange and blue ones.

Mom: We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for mother's day. I got babysitters for baby D and AP during Youth Arts festival taken care of. I'm learning lots of things about art and LEGOs, the class will be fun. I'm working really hard with J on reading, he'll thank me some day. I read a true story about a family that got shipwrecked which I really enjoyed, very thought provoking.

AP: "I like Cinderella!" (enough said). I'm finally resigned to the fact that at the premature age of 2 1/2 AP is done napping. She won't even fall asleep in the car. Also, she's had a big bed for a few months now, but she always ends up in the pack n play by morning. I had the bright idea of taking her mattress off the big bed and leaving just the board. She loved it. She's slept in the twin bed a week straight without getting out and she didn't flinch when I took down her beloved
'basket bed" and put it in storage. J also prefers a board over a mattress, my funny kids!

baby D (10 mos): two weeks ago he started eating food. We gave him some pretzels and he cried to have me get them out of his mouth because he didn't know how to chew and swallow. Yesterday he ate breakfast lunch and dinner the same as the rest of the family. Babies turn into little kids so fast! He split his head open one day (pitching a fit for food), not a highlight, but notable. It bled a lot and I was very scared. He turned out to be fine, but it was a scary day. He is scooching a lot, AJ calls his crawl "the worm", it fits.

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