
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Some Best Ever Thanksgiving Baking

 Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday.  I like to make crescent rolls and pie.  I always have.  This year I I made my fluffiest, prettiest crescent rolls ever (and then didn't eat any, oh well).  My family was in heaven.  I made some gluten free ones that were yummy, but not really picture worthy.
I was going to buy Cosco pumpkin pie, but my kids begged for this raspberry cream-chocolate pie and I thought I'd make it gluten free and have some myself.  It was delicious.  I also made a gluten free pumpkin pie and it was my favorite pumpkin pie ever.  I can't say why I liked it so much, but it was definitely better-crust and filling (even better than the raspberry pie which was super yummy too).  I used the King Arthur gluten free pie crust recipe and highly recommend it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Vernal Utah Trip

Hiking McConkie Ranch Petroglyphs on family vacation October 2012.

My Birthday

I've been off gluten for 8 1/2 months, so that has cut down on most desserts for me, but I made a gluten free birthday cake for myself and it was so yummy, better than a white flour cake for sure.  I ate too much and it didn't even make me sick (maybe not a good thing after all).

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lego Art classes

Just finished Arts Festival again. It is one of my favorite things to do all year. Classes run for two weeks and are one hour per day. I taught two sections of Lego Art ages 5-7 and one section of Ultimate Lego Design ages 10-16. The younger class learns different styles of art through Lego. Students in the older class learn basic Lego design genres and how to identify their own personal Lego style (brick artist, vignette, diorama, kit designer, MOC designer, etc) then they work on incorporating important design elements from that genre into their projects.

I liked this, it was done by another class than mine.

This was "mixed media" day

T-rex "sculpture"

Garden sculpture

This mosaic made me laugh because it looked so much like D

On LEGO Game day, the kids played LEGO bingo and then built their own Lego games.

This was wings and color theory. I thought this little boy did a nice job of color coordinating his plane.
Race track:banquet table with one set of legs down.

This student build a lot of MOC (my own creation). MOC is a style where the designer tries to put pieces from different sets together in new visually entertaining ways.

Family trip to Dallas

In June we loaded up the family and drove to Dallas for vacation. It was a lot of fun. We saw two of my brothers, my brother in law, my parents, and my grandpa. We went to the Dallas world aquarium, the Dallas arboretum, Legoland Discovery center, Explora Museum in Albuquerque, Six Flags, and a Rangers game (they lost 21-8, eek!). I loved the arboretum as they are currently hosting a spectacular Chihuly blown glass art display. I took zillions of pictures, first you see the one with me and my kids and next my favorite which I think was called carnival boat. More Chihuly blown glass:

Dance Recital

AP had a dance recital at the end of May. Her class was super cute dancing to Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.

Do not bust in!

Little sisters can be a pain so my son decided to do something about it and posted these signs on his door. Do not egnore To get in you must register and get your name on the list. You must knock at the door. do not bust in.

4 year old watercolor

AP loves to craft. She went through a whole ream of paper this spring. She likes to make her own books. She especially likes to make 3-dimensional things out of the paper like fairy houses. I noticed she added pop-up art to her favorite fairy book one day. It was very detailed and clever. This is a fairy painting she did for fun with no help whatsoever. I was very impressed.

Easter Treats

Me and AJ made these for an Easter activity. Peanut butter rice krispy treats with chocolate eggs.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Church History Museum

This President's day we went on a family trip to The Church History Museum. I loved the Friend magazine exhibit. I thought the children's art was wonderful, they had 1700 entries and about 100 on display.
This is a picture of my girls learning spanish dance at another exhibit. We were also privileged to get a visit from Abraham Lincoln himself that night, oh actually it wasn't Abraham Lincoln it was my brother, but the resemblance is striking.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Princess Box Violin

Box violins are a fun way to get beginners started. This one is a paint stick and a macaroni & cheese box. We covered it with her favorite princess and clear contact paper. She has a wedge shoulder rest and a rhythm stick for the bow. We like the ribbed stick because it makes a good sound when she plays rather than no sound at all. This was the first time she ever picked the violin up, this is a good "before" shot. After this picture was taken we added stickers to the right of Aurora's head to remind her where her left hand fingers go and we added another rubber band to the body to create a bowing lane.
This was a week ago. She's been practicing bow hold, posture, and rhythm everyday and is having a lot of fun. She likes to play "mississippi hot dog", and "tinkerbell is very tiny" the best.